Tuesday, June 12, 2007

That's right I got a double flat. I drifted wide in a corner, hit a rock which unseated my front tire and torched my tube. Then my rear tire slammed in the very next rock, pssssst, pssssst , pssssst..... Cussing, flapping tire nosies, unclipping.... and walking and walking and walking and walking. 5 miles or so worth of walking.

This goes out to all of the assholes that passed me walking my bike out of the Pontiac Lake Rec Area on Sunday afternoon. One of you fuckers, could have offered me a muth-fucking tube and some air. Dicks, all of you. Dicks.


ask said...

Maybe you shouldn't have thrown rocks at them as they went by.

anomaly said...

If it happens again...I'm going to.
Then I'll steal there tube and C02.

EDimaguila said...

you need to change your screen colors...can't read a damn thing on this blog!